The Co-Wash Chronicles: Joico color Co+Wash Whipped Cleansing Conditioner for Color-Treated Hair, as well as Kristin Ess Frizz administration Cleansing Conditioner

Co-washing my mop, one bottle at a time… …because I’m on a objective to try all the conditioner washes! DUUUUUDE. I’ve been co-washing because before it went mainstream, because I unraveled its tricks in a now-long-forgotten hair forum in a dirty corner on the Interwebz much more than 10 ago. REKLAMA Finding out about it …

The Co-Wash Chronicles: Joico color Co+Wash Whipped Cleansing Conditioner for Color-Treated Hair, as well as Kristin Ess Frizz administration Cleansing ConditionerRead More